HALLUCINATED - tradução para árabe
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HALLUCINATED - tradução para árabe

Hallucinations; Hallucinating; Hallucinate; Hallucinoses; Hallucinatory state; Hallucinative; Visual hallucination; Visual hallucinations; Gustatory hallucination; Gustatory hallucinations; Command hallucination; Hallucinates; Hallucinated; Hallucinator; Hallucinators; Hallucinatory; Hilusinating; Sensory distortion; Visual distortion; Command hallucinations; Experiential hallucination; Experiential hallucinations; Causes of hallucinations; Causes of visual hallucinations



هَذَى ; هَلْوَسَ

يُهَلْوِس (يُسَبِّب الهَلْوَسَة)


A hallucination is the experience of seeing something that is not really there because you are ill or have taken a drug.
The drug induces hallucinations at high doses...



A hallucination is a perception in the absence of an external stimulus that has the qualities of a real perception. Hallucinations are vivid, substantial, and are perceived to be located in external objective space. Hallucination is a combination of 2 conscious states of brain wakefulness and REM sleep. They are distinguishable from several related phenomena, such as dreaming (REM sleep), which does not involve wakefulness; pseudohallucination, which does not mimic real perception, and is accurately perceived as unreal; illusion, which involves distorted or misinterpreted real perception; and mental imagery, which does not mimic real perception, and is under voluntary control. Hallucinations also differ from "delusional perceptions", in which a correctly sensed and interpreted stimulus (i.e., a real perception) is given some additional significance. Many hallucinations happen also during sleep paralyses.

Hallucinations can occur in any sensory modality—visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, proprioceptive, equilibrioceptive, nociceptive, thermoceptive and chronoceptive. Hallucinations are referred to as multimodal if multiple sensory modalities occur.

A mild form of hallucination is known as a disturbance, and can occur in most of the senses above. These may be things like seeing movement in peripheral vision, or hearing faint noises or voices. Auditory hallucinations are very common in schizophrenia. They may be benevolent (telling the subject good things about themselves) or malicious, cursing the subject. 55% of auditory hallucinations are malicious in content, for example, people talking about the subject, not speaking to them directly. Like auditory hallucinations, the source of the visual counterpart can also be behind the subject. This can produce a feeling of being looked or stared at, usually with malicious intent. Frequently, auditory hallucinations and their visual counterpart are experienced by the subject together.

Hypnagogic hallucinations and hypnopompic hallucinations are considered normal phenomena. Hypnagogic hallucinations can occur as one is falling asleep and hypnopompic hallucinations occur when one is waking up. Hallucinations can be associated with drug use (particularly deliriants), sleep deprivation, psychosis, neurological disorders, and delirium tremens.

The word "hallucination" itself was introduced into the English language by the 17th-century physician Sir Thomas Browne in 1646 from the derivation of the Latin word alucinari meaning to wander in the mind. For Browne, hallucination means a sort of vision that is "depraved and receive[s] its objects erroneously".

Exemplos de pronúncia para HALLUCINATED
1. I'm sorry. I just hallucinated.
Legally Blonde (2001)
2. JOE DE SENA: I've hallucinated a lot,
The Spartan Race _ Joe De Sena _ Talks at Google
3. But I think I may have hallucinated.
USC Social Change Media Institute _ Peter Samuelson _ Talks at Google
4. I've hallucinated her for 25 years.
Perception _ Eric McCormack _ Talks at Google
5. You hallucinated about hamburgers one time.
The Spartan Race _ Joe De Sena _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para HALLUCINATED
1. Once, on a trip to the county seat of Pikeville, he hallucinated that he saw the body of a dead Iraqi sprawled out on the ground.
2. I said, ‘Your face isn‘t gone.‘ He said, ‘Liar!‘ " His real injuries were almost as bad as the ones he hallucinated.
3. She was paranoid and hallucinated that a man was chasing her, said Arun Misra, a psychiatrist who treated her and maintained neat, handwritten records in bound folders of now–yellowing sheets of paper.
4. I just don‘t want him to be gone.‘‘ Andrew was dealing with marital trouble, too, Monica said. (Veronica Velez refused to comment for this story.) He started having flashbacks to the war and hallucinated that Veronica and their three children were soldiers, Monica said.
5. The invectives hurled against them by government leaders of being hallucinated and lawless extreme right–wingers, the persistent threats of further uprooting operations of settlements in Judea and Samaria – the prime minster‘s latest outburst only adding insult to injury – cannot but begin to spread a sense of alienation from the state and its institutions among this significant and important segment of Israel‘s society.